Download 3DSOM Pro v4.2.7.4 x64 - A powerful software for making 3D models of two-dimensional images - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Saturday, 23 June 2018

Download 3DSOM Pro v4.2.7.4 x64 - A powerful software for making 3D models of two-dimensional images

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Download 3DSOM Pro v4.2.7.4 x64 - A powerful software for making 3D models of two-dimensional images
There are always characters or objects in two-dimensional images that the user tends to model in 3D in CAD software , but this process is very time-consuming, and it 's also a model made with What they intended to have had a lot of differences, and finally, the designed model does not look much like the image. 3DSOMA powerful software that allows you to create 3D models of two-dimensional images. Simply enter your desired image in the program, select and edit the parts you want, and finally build a 3D model with different formats like OBJ, COLLADA, 3DS, X3D and STL for 3D printers. Save it and use it in other modeling and simulation software. It also allows the user to view a model made from different angles and display it as virtual reality and simulated realistic environment for the user.
Key features of 3DSOM software :
- Create 3D models of two-dimensional images 
- Select regions and specific parts of the image for 3D 
-support - Support for all types of CAD formats 
- Support for STL for 3D printers 
- View the model created in different angles 
- the 
Mac edit images to three-dimensional 
- View the final model for virtual reality 
- simulation model to its natural environment 
- and ...

3DSOM Screenshot 1 3DSOM Screenshot 2 3DSOM Screenshot 3 3DSOM Screenshot 4

WITH 3DSOM CREATE PROFESSIONAL QUALITY 3D CONTENT FROM PHOTOS. Accurate 3D digitization of real world objects for 3d-print, ecommerce, mobile, and augmented and virtual reality applications.
Digitised models are accurate representations of the original object, so can be Measured with accuracy 
3D Printing
Output the 3Dsom PRO model to industry standard formats such as OBJ, COLLADA, 3DS, X3D and STL for 3D printing 
Having a 3Dsom model gives far greater Enhanced 
See 3D objects to scale in real world using 3DSOM AR Viewer. 3DSOM models can also be used in Virtual Reality
More info (open / close)
required system
- Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
- CPU x86 compatible, PC / AT compliant
- dual core processor (recommended quad core 2GHz or faster)
- Monitor resolution 1024 × 768 minimum (small system fonts)
- Physical RAM: 4GB or better recommended
- Any digital camera, DSLR recommended
Manufacturer: CDSL Limited 
File Size: 272.07 MB Release Date: 13:00 - 1394/9/26 | 2014.12.17 Source: PC Download / Rating:2.5 Star (s) 
 Installation guide
1. Install the software. 
2) Copy and replace the contents of the Cracked file folder at the software installation location and replace the previous file (s). 
3. Run the software. 
Software installation location: The installation location folder is usually located in the Windows drive and within the Program Files folder. You can also find the installation location in this way: 
- In Windows XP: After installation, right-click on the shortcut in the Start menu and click Properties, and then click Find Target. 
- In Windows 7: After installation, right-click on the shortcut in the Start menu and click on the Open file location option.
- In Windows 8: After installation, right-click on the Shortcut on the Start Screen and click on the Open file location option, in the window that opens, right-click on the shortcut of the software and click Open file location click. 
- On Windows 10: After installation, right-click Shortcut on the Start menu and click on the Open file location option, in the window that opens, right-click on the Shortcut software and click on the Open file location button. do.
download links
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  1. 3Dsom Pro V4.2.7.4 X64 - A Powerful Software For Making 3D Models Of Two-Dimensional Images - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा >>>>> Download Now

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    3Dsom Pro V4.2.7.4 X64 - A Powerful Software For Making 3D Models Of Two-Dimensional Images - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा >>>>> Download LINK

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    3Dsom Pro V4.2.7.4 X64 - A Powerful Software For Making 3D Models Of Two-Dimensional Images - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा >>>>> Download Full

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