Download AnyCasting v6.3 x86 / x64 - Simulation and Analysis Software for Casting Processes - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Monday, 25 June 2018

Download AnyCasting v6.3 x86 / x64 - Simulation and Analysis Software for Casting Processes

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Download AnyCasting v6.3 x86 / x64 - Simulation and Analysis Software for Casting Processes 
Thanks to the processor design of this software, all people, including those who are not familiar with numerical computations, can use it to analyze their processes. By using this collection, you can simulate and analyze the various types of casting operations, such as sand casting, low or high pressure casting, precision molding, and the process. In addition, there is a huge database of various types of materials in this software that users can access and take full advantage of them as needed.
The software that will be available to users after installation includes AnyPRE for preprocessing casting processes, AnyPost to display results in the form of charts and 3D charts and understandable, AnyDBASE to manage properties and how materials are used. In the process, AnyBatch-Runner is an application for analyzing user input data and executing programs and tools in accordance with them, AnySOLVER to analyze the phenomena caused by casting operations using the Navier Stoke equations and finally AnyMESH for simple layout And fast without the need for new CAD data. 

Key features of AnyCasting software:
- 3D design of a variety of templates and parts 
- Using the Navier Stoke method for data analysis 
- Contains a complete database of consumables and alloys 
- Ease of use and understanding of data and results 
- Use FromThree-dimensional 
graphics for displaying results 
- View results in a variety of charts and charts 
- High-speed 
grid graphing algorithm 
- Analyze a wide range of data in the least time 
- Analyze the area containing hydrogen gas and its volume 
- View the distribution area of ​​materials oxide 
- producing automated reports through simple configurations, including video report 
- the 
Mac sign in the picture, video and sensor data 
- generated database user-defined 
- quick and easy search function 
- automatic calculation of temperature and alloy composition 
- Analysis of the process of cooling and freezing of molten metal 
- Analysis of molten metal injection operations 
- and ...
 AnyCasting Screenshot 1
AnyCasting is a professional software for casting analysis which makes predictions possible on filing and solidification of the molten metal during the casting process.
It has been autonomously developed through know-how for the last ten years. Thanks to its process-oriented design, even though users are not numerical experts, they can confidently analyze their target casting processes. Currently, AnyCastingTM can be applied to the analysis of all processes such as sand mold, low and high pressure die-casting, tilting casting type, investment casting and the like, and it can predict all troubleshooting during the process more quickly and accurately. Its construction consists of a window composition and menu based on Window OS which helps the user set the condition to get the desired result. Furthermore, its penGL mode provides a live screen.
Its DB maintains and provides properties of various materials. So long as the user only selects a material, DB will provide those properties. AnyCastingTM, which pursues to be a comprehensive solution company, will greatly contribute in providing users with technological superiority and better product competitiveness. 

Third dimensional graphic utilizing openGL
- A quick 
processing on a graphic and rapid processing based on third dimensional rendering 
. The intuitive analysis of the target is based on the dynamic cross-section function. 

Shape treatment on the basis of entity
. Enabling Integration, removing, moving, and rotating process 
- Able to measure coordinates of a particular point, distance, angle, and diameter

Intuitive and easy interface based on windows OS
- Multiple Document Interface (MDI) 
- Consistent working condition 

Grid generating algorithm with high speed
- Adopting FDM grid type 
- Fast grid generating time 
- Uniform, un-uniform, automated grid system 

Third dimensional graphic condition utilizing Opengl
- Rotation, moving and Enlarging / Reducing by mouse 
- Quick graphic processing based on optimal third dimensional rendering 
- Able to access to observe the arbitrary section 

Large file treatment in real time
- Filling, Solidifying pattern by animation in real time 
- Show temperature, pressure and speed contours. Provides various legends.
- Display velocity vector two or three dimensional coordinates 
- Graph sensor 

Enhancement in user friendliness
- Export image types, video and sensor data. 

Auto Report
- Function on State batch work, able to make Several videos in a lump 
- Available to make automated report generation through simple setting (able to add video clip) 

Powerful and multi function on defect analysis
- Simple shrinkage 
- Provides analytical parameters defined by user Combined parameter: Niyama, Feeding Efficiency, Hot Tearing Intensity and so on. 
- Analyze the isolated area of ​​the hydrogen gas and its volume 

- Observe the distributed area of ​​the oxidized substance
Provide the digitalised data value through quantitative analysis. 

Easy and simple user interface.
- Window OS based. 
- User's database. 
- Fast and easy access and search function. 

Provide physical property of materials used in casting process
. Provide physical property of materials used in casting process. Provide a physical property of hundreds of materials. Ferrous (around eighty types), non-ferrous (around one hundred types), nonmetallic (around thirty types) 
- Provide various international standards such as KS, JIS ASTM, AISI, AA, SAE, DIN, BS, NF, UNI, SIS , UNS, ISO and also provide a commercial name 
Interface integrated with JmatPro
- Automatically calculate the value of heat property through entering the composition of alloy 

 Various functions to save user's time and protect against Data-loss
- Solver can be automatically re-operated on rebooting after abnormal computer termination 
- Able to select the number of Core to be Calculated within Solver 
- Performs after the automatic determination of the number of Solver according to a corresponding personal computer using multiple solvers 
- Able to add to and to remove from the analyzed list and change the priority 

Interface seeking user friendliness
- Manipulation based on Window OS 
- Fast analysis and safety through using Multicore 
- Pause, Re-start, able to save the intermediate result

Analyzes Cooling and solidification process of the molten metal
- Consideration on the change of the property value (heat conductivity, specific heat, viscosity, etc.) according to temperature and time 
- Distribution of the phase fraction on cast iron and prediction on mechanical properties 
- Consideration of Heat conduction from the interface according to the time, temperature, pressure and casting process 
- Prediction on the distribution of the phase fraction and the mechanical properties of the cast iron 

Function to analyze the filling of the molten metal
- steady and non steady state 
- Supports selective analysis among fluid analysis, fluid, heat / fluid, heat / solidification and fluid / heat / solidification
- Model for Newtonian and non-Newtonian viscosity 
- Able to apply to the turbulence model 
- Able to input the surface tension for a special process and the wall adhesion angle. 

Grid information without modifying the 3D CAD data
- Able to adjust grid defects 
- Provides the function to prevent any errors that can occur to adjust the information on the grid. 
- Ability to modify the information on mono-grid and multi-grids. 
- Able to modify the means of casting without changing CAD data.
More info (open / close)
required system
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1
Manufacturer: ANYCASTING 
File Size: 118.52 + 122.38 MB Release Date: 15:00 - 1395/6/24 | 2016.09.14 Source: PC Download / Rating: 2.5 Star (s) 
Installation guide
1.Install the software
2) Copy and replace the contents of the Crack folder at the software installation location and replace the previous file (s). 
3.Run the software and select Specify the License File by typing the file path aclm_SSQ.dat copied to the software installation location. (You can see the path in the Read Me.txt file.) 
4.At the end, and if you encounter the problem, run the .reg file in the crack file
* Software installation location: The installation location folder is usually located in the Windows drive and within the Program Files folderYou can also find the installation location in this way
- In Windows XP: After installation, right-click on the shortcut in the Start menu and click Properties, and then click Find Target.
- In Windows 7: After installation, right-click on the shortcut in the Start menu and click on the Open file location option
- In Windows 8: After installation, right-click on the Shortcut on the Start Screen and click on the Open file location option, in the window that opens, right-click on the shortcut of the software and click Open file location click
- On Windows 10: After installation, right-click Shortcut on the Start menu and click on the Open file location option, in the window that opens, right-click on the Shortcut software and click on the Open file location button. do.
download links
DownloadCrash ReportGuide
File password

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