Download Autodesk AutoCAD 2011 SP2 x86 / x64 - AutoCAD, the most powerful mapping and industrial design software - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Friday, 29 June 2018

Download Autodesk AutoCAD 2011 SP2 x86 / x64 - AutoCAD, the most powerful mapping and industrial design software

Hits: 19,537

Category: Software » Graphic » Engineering Design

Download Autodesk AutoCAD 2011 SP2 x86 / x64 - AutoCAD, the most powerful mapping and industrial design software
AutoCAD flagship company Autodesk, a software designed to help Mac computers used by designers, architects and engineers in the two-dimensional and three-dimensional models of integrated levels or network is used. Before designing with the help of computers, designers had to work with tools such as design boards, pencils, automates, rulers, compasses and tunes that were much more limited than modern tools like AutoCAD. Since 1982, when the first version of AutoCAD software was introduced to the market, it became the most widely used computer design tool due to the advanced features of automotive and computer design. This software is currently the most widely used industrial design and cartography software that has over 100 million users worldwide.
This software engineers to the Mac it so they can implement their ideas in mind and to help free three-dimensional drawing, design and documentation of their SMART products. The range of capabilities of this software is so broad that it is not limited to a specific field and industry, and in almost all cases designing and drawing 3D models in the fields of electronics, civilization, architecture, mapping and modeling is applied. Over the years, Autodesk has released special versions of this software for many engineering disciplines, including AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD Architecture, and so on. 

Key features of Autodesk AutoCAD software:
- The most widely used industrial design and engineering drawings in the world.
- Extensive design capabilities such as smart point, precision measuring tool, etc. 
- 3D and two dimensional design tools 
- High quality in design and printing 
- Get a DWG exclusive extension 
Have advanced programming environment for specific applications 
- Share Planning with minimal volume and maximum quality 
- Easily transfer settings between different computers 
- Flexible user interface 
- Preventing unwanted changes
AutoCAD Screenshot 1 AutoCAD Screenshot 2 AutoCAD Screenshot 3 AutoCAD Screenshot 4 AutoCAD Screenshot 5

Manufacturer: Autodesk 
File Size: 2253 + 2478 + 12 + 17 + 17 + 21 MB Release Date: 00:00 - 1390/5/21 | 2011.08.12Source: PC Download / Rating: 5 Star (s)
Installation guide
1. Download the software first and then unzip. 
2. Completely disconnect Windows Internet access. 
3. Run the Setup.exe file. 
4. In the window that opens, click Install Products. 
5. Select your software and proceed with the installation process. 
6. Enter one of the codes 69696969-666 or 98989898-667 or 45454545-400 in the Serial field. 
7. In the Product Key , enter 001C1 . 
8. Once you have installed the software, restart your system once. 
9. Run the software. 
10. In the window that opens, select Enter Activation. 
11. Enter the Keygen folder and run the Keygen.exe file.
12. Enter the Request code code in Keygen and get the Activation code by clicking on Generate Code. 
13. Enter the activation code in the software. 
14. The software is fully functional and can be used without any restrictions. 
Tips:- This software has been completely tested by the download team. 
- Software access to the Internet should be blocked or not working with the Internet connection software. 
- It is always recommended to install installed updates. 
- You must first install the SP1.1 update and then install the SP2 update. 
- Before you install the software, be sure to install Microsoft .NET Framework , Microsoft DirectX, and Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable .
- Note that the Keygen provided for editing is 32-bit and 64-bit. 
- Serial Number and Product Key values ​​are also included in the compressed file. 
- All files are compressed as much as possible and can be repaired by WinRAR software if they are not downloaded properly.
download links
DownloadCrash ReportGuide
32-bit version - 2253 MB 
 Download - Part one 
 download - Second part 
 download - Third part of 
the 64-bit version - 2478 MB 
 Download - Part one 
 download - Second part 
 download - Part three 
 download - Update SP1.1 - 32-bit version - 12 MB 
 Download - Upgrade SP1.1 - 64-bit version - 17 MB 
 Download - SP2 update - 32-bit version - 17 MB 
 Download - SP2 update - 64-bit version - 21 MB
File password

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