Download DownStream Products 2016.1133 - Software for assembling and testing electronic boards - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Monday, 18 June 2018

Download DownStream Products 2016.1133 - Software for assembling and testing electronic boards

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Download DownStream Products 2016.1133 - Software for assembling and testing electronic boards 
DownStream Products is software that enables engineers and designers to assemble and test their electrical circuits with a simple Mac interface.It allows for complex designs, and they can design their own PCBs, assemble validations, and draw up their maps and documents. CAM350 is the industry standard for PCB optimization and production. DFMStream is a comprehensive yet simple set of tools for helping engineers and designers design circuits in PCB databases as well as Gerber and NC data at any time during the PCB design cycle. The CAM350 helps you build comprehensive electronic designs and assemblage and process inspections. DownStream offers solutions to the design of the ZBay and to create and distribute all the requests needed to assemble the complete Zune package. BluePrint with CAM350 and PCB CAD systems to help build a quick and comprehensive layout. Electronic assembling and inspection.
A key feature of the software Downstream Products:
- the 
Mac test and electronic boards 
- allows the assembly of electronic boards 
- do intricate designs 
- simple interface 
- design and validation PCB Display 
- Provides solutions to design specialized PCB 
- Fast and comprehensive construction of all electronic designs 
- Includes CAM350 and PCB CAD software 
- And ...
DownStream Products Screenshot 1 DownStream Products Screenshot 2  
DownStream provides an economical and holistic solution to PCB post processing that enables engineers and designers to quickly create key deliverables for PCB fabrication, assembly and testing. DownStream's tools combine a comprehensive set of features to handle complex designs with a very easy-to-use interface, allowing even the infrequent user to generate PCB artwork, design validation, and bare board and assembly drawings and documents.
- CAM350 / DFMStream
CAM350 is the industry's de facto standard for verification, optimization and output generation to efficiently and efficiently drive PCB fabrication. 
DFMStream is a comprehensive, yet easy-to-use tool suite designed to help designers and designers to verify design and manufacturing rules for PCB design databases, Gerber and NC data at any time during the PCB design cycle. DFMStream also fosters collaboration between you and your fabricator. 
- BluePrint-PCB
BluePrint-PCB works for your PCB CAD system and / or CAM350 to help you quickly produce comprehensive electronic drawings for PCB fabrication, assembly and inspection processes.
DownStream Technologies, LLC is a progressive software company focused on helping high-tech engineering organizations automate the PCB Release Process. We deliver solutions that allow engineering and production teams to work together to translate Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) into successful, physical products.
DownStream's solutions redefine how engineering professionals post process PCB designs to create and distribute all the deliverables required for a complete PCB assembly release package. CAM350 provides verification, optimization, and output generation to efficiently drive PCB fabrication. BluePrint for Printed Circuit Boards works with CAM350 and PCB CAD systems to help you quickly produce PCB fabrication, assembly, and inspection. 

Here are some key features of DownStream Products: 
- Less than minimal spacing between design objects including pads, tracks, copper, drills, vias of all types, including blind, buried, laser and back drilled. 
- Less than minimal annular rings of pad, copper, or mask.
- Less than minimum spacing between SMD or Through hole pads or parts. 
- Copper and mask slivers and pin holes. 
- Acid traps, solder bridge potential, isolated or starved thermal reliefs or trace antennas. 
- Minimal mask spacing, Missing paste, missing solder mask, extra mask areas, or poor mask to pad ratios. 
- Overlapping, coincidental or redundant drills, mill path errors and poor drill to board thickness ratio. 
- And many other error types
More info (open / close)
Manufacturer: DownStream Technologies 
File size: 306.8 MB Release Date: 15:06 - 1396/9/18 | 09/21/2012 Source: PC Download / Rating: 2.5 Star (s)
Installation guide
Install the software exactly in accordance with the installation guide movie located in the Help folder and note the following
 . Copy the Patcher.exe file to Windows C drive before installation (in the installation guide for this file on Copy to the desktop
 . At first run Patcher.exe, run CMD.exe from the command line as Run as Adminstrator and type C: \ Patcher.exe -a and type Ente   from the page. Release the key
 . At the second time, run Patcher.exe through the command line, run CMD.exe as Run as Adminstrator, and type C: \ Patcher.exe -as and press the Enter key from the keyboard.
download links
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