Download DS Enovia DMU Navigator V5-6R2015 + SP6 + HF05 x86 / x64 - Designer Cycle Designer software and introduce 3D products commercially. - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Thursday, 14 June 2018

Download DS Enovia DMU Navigator V5-6R2015 + SP6 + HF05 x86 / x64 - Designer Cycle Designer software and introduce 3D products commercially.

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Download DS Enovia DMU Navigator V5-6R2015 + SP6 + HF05 x86 / x64 - Designer Cycle Designer software and introduce 3D products commercially. 
Enovia Dassault Systèmes is one of the most comprehensive software for designing and managing consumer product cycles . With this software, you can implement your ideas in the form of conceptual designs as 3D and two-dimensional and direct the product's product lifecycle. Everything you need to introduce a product can be done using this software; from illustrating designs, guiding tools and animationto delivering texts and 3D product models, all of which are powerful tools for this software.
Key features of Enovia software :
- Wide variety of 2D and 3D formats - 2D viewer and 3D 
navigation for DMU review 
- DMU building with various tools such as marking and 
animation in 2D and 3D 
- Full DMU simulation and complete simulation in the context of other software 
- deliver reports published in the form of HTML 
- the 
Mac edit project remotely 
- tools automate many operations 
- using a powerful three-dimensional engine Enovia 3D 
- integration with Enovia VPM for product commercialization

Enovia DMU Navigator performs a collaborative DMU review using powerful visualization, navigation and communication capabilities. A large number of tools (annotation support, hyperlink and animation creation, publishing and conferencing tools) facilitate collaboration between all team members involved in DMU inspections. User productivity is enhanced through the ability to automate commands and work on visualization files for quick data loading. Complete DMU review and simulation is made possible through native integration with other DMU products.
Enovia - DMU Navigator 1 handles digital mock-ups of all sizes from consumer goods assemblies to very large automotive, aerospace, plant, ships or heavy machinery mockups while being fully available on Windows and UNIX. . In conjunction with other DMU P1 products such as DMU Dimensioning & Tolerancing Review 1 or DMU Space Analysis 1, Enovia DMU Navigator 1 effectively supports downstream operations such as shop floor, manufacturing or technical publication.
Product Highlights:
- Supports a large set of 2D and 3D formats 
- Provides 2D viewing and 3D navigation tools for DMU inspections 
- Facilitates DMU collaborative review by supporting 2D and 3D annotations, hyperlinks creation and simulation replay 
- Allows complete DMU review and simulation through native Integration with other DMU products 
- Supports publishing through report creation in HTML format 
- Allows collaboration on the same project review from different locations thanks to Conferencing capability 
- Performs a productive DMU review thanks to cache management 
- Supports automation of commands for enhanced user productivity 
- Interoperates with ENOVIA 3d com as an integral part of the ENOVIA DMU Solution
- Integrates with ENOVIAVPM to promote business best practices
More info (open / close)
required system
For Certified Hardware Configurations, please refer to:
Manufacturer: Dassault Systèmes 
Price: $ 6999 (for information only) File Size: 665 + 714 + 800 + 883 + 54 + 56 MB Release Date: 01:40 - 1396/7/2 | 2014/05/27 Source: PC Download / Rating: 
4.5 Star (s)

Installation guide
1. Download the software first and then unzip
2. Enter the DSLS_SSQ ​​folder and run the DSLS_SSQ_V6R2017x_Installer_20170620.exe file as Administrator and continue the installation process
3. At the end of the installation, the DS License Server Administration window opens automatically, otherwise run Start> Programs> DS License Server> DS License Server Administration
4. Save the opened window without changing and click OK
5. Double-click on the Server Definitions tab on localhost
6. In the Server Configuration window, copy and hold the Computer ID
7. In the Server Configuration window, click OK and then close the program and click Finish.
8. Enter the DSLS_SSQ ​​folder and run the DSLS.LicGen.v1.6.SSQ.exe file as Administrator
9. In the Server Name field, enter the Computer Name value of your system. (To find this value, enter Control Panel> System and Security> System 
. ) 10. In the Server ID field, enter the Computer ID number that you copied in Step 5
11. In the Generate License For Slider menu, select DS_ENOVIA_DMU_V5.SSQ
12. Click Generate and save the .licz file, hit OK and close the software
13. Open the DS License Administration Tool and double click on localhost and click OK without changing
14. From the License menu, click Enroll and enter the License file in step 12.
15. Close the License Administration Tool window
16. Enter the DSLS_SSQ ​​folder and copy the ProgramData folder into drive C and replace the previous file
17. Go to Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced system settings -> Advanced -> Enviroment VariablesIn the System section, hit the New option and enter the following information:
Variable name: DSLICENSING 
Variable value: DSLS
18. Start the installation process by running Setup.exe
19. Continue the installation process and finish it
20. From the Crack folder, copy the netapi32.dll folder and place it at the software installation location (by default, C: \ Program Files \ Dassault Systemes \ B27 \ win_b64 \ code \ bin). 
21. Execute the SolidSQUADLoaderEnabler.reg file from the Crack folder and let the necessary changes apply
22. Run the software
23. You will encounter the License Settings message; click OK, and in the opened window, tick the required licenses, and then click OK
24. The software is fully functional and can be used without any restrictions
25. It is strongly recommended that you download and install the latest Service Pack (SP) and then the latest Hotfix (HF). 

- This software has been completely tested by Zune Download
- To run the necessary files with Administrator access, you must right-click on the file and select Run as Administrator
- If possible, ask the IT company or someone who is fluent in the computer to activate the software for you
- Installing updates is definitely recommended
- The exact steps required to activate the software is essential
- All files are compressed as far as possible and can be repaired by WinRAR.
download links
DownloadCrash ReportGuide
  The main software 
  download - Edition 32-bit - 665 MB 
  download - version 64 - 714 MB download - update SP6 Edition 32-bit - 800 MBdownload - update SP6 Version 64 - 883 MB download - Update HF 05 Version 32-bit - 54 MB download - update HF 05 version 64 - 56 MB download crack (alone)

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