Download Graitec ArchiWIZARD 2018 v6.1.1 x64 - 3D Design Software for Building Structures - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Monday, 18 June 2018

Download Graitec ArchiWIZARD 2018 v6.1.1 x64 - 3D Design Software for Building Structures

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Download Graitec ArchiWIZARD 2018 v6.1.1 x64 - 3D Design Software for Building Structures 
ArchiWIZARD is a software for analyzing, analyzing, and 3D modeling various building structures based on BIM models. By providing a complete set of design and analysis tools able to evaluate building energy performance, performing thermal calculations, simulating daylight and ... is. Direct connection with CAD software and the use of models designed in them are also other powerful features of this software. In fact, ArchiWIZARD meets many of your needs for design, construction, or even renovation of old buildings. A set of default internal settings is also available for use in the software.
Key features of the Graitec Archiwizard software include:
- Thermal calculations, daylight simulation, light exposure optimization 
- Artificial light level calculation in each section 
- Preset and adjustable samples for building fields, wall coverings 
- direct connection with the application of CAD 
- assess the energy performance of buildings 
- heating and cooling needs on the basis of EC-TH 
- the design of three-dimensional models of buildings 
- the 
Mac is applying projects in the company Autodesk 
- supports a variety of structures 
- and .. .
ArchiWIZARD Screenshot 1 ArchiWIZARD Screenshot 2 ArchiWIZARD Screenshot 3     
About Graitec ArchiWIZARD. ArchiWIZARD is a real-time 3D analysis software based on the BIM model directly connected to the architectural CAD solutions. ArchiWIZARD provides accurate thermal, light, solar gains and shadows analysis, renewable energy simulation (photovoltaic & thermal solar systems). It embeds EnergyPlus v8.1 building energy simulation software (STD) to combine even more accurate building performance with the advanced usability of the ArchiWIZARD user interface and interoperability capabilities. ArchiWIZARD has been evaluated by the CSTB for compliance with the French Regulation RT2012. From the sketch, for new constructions and refurbishment, ArchiWIZARD will inform you about the relevancy and performance of your architectural and technical choices regarding energy efficiency, thermal and visual comfort, and bioclimatic quality.
required system
OS: Windows 7even or newer (x64)
Manufacturer: GRAITEC GROUP 
File size: 180.55 MB Release Date: 10:14 - 1396/11/29 | 2018.02.18 Source: PC Download / Rating: 2.5 Star (s)
Installation guide
1. Install the software
2. Copy and execute the Patch.exe file in the Patch folder on the software installation path and click on the Crack button to perform the patch operation
3. Run the software.
download links
DownloadCrash ReportGuide
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