Download Marvelous Designer 3 Enterprise v1.3.20.0 x32 / x64 - Clothing design software - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Monday, 25 June 2018

Download Marvelous Designer 3 Enterprise v1.3.20.0 x32 / x64 - Clothing design software

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·         Category: Applications » Graphic » Two-dimensional design
 Download Marvelous Designer 3 Enterprise v1.3.20.0 x32 / x64 - Clothing design software
Given the long-standing human needs and the special care of the contemporary society, they have come up with fashion trends and fashion design. Fashion and clothing design is a very modern and popular trend. People who are attracted to this discipline, at the end of their studies, are highly specialized in the design of clothing, fabric, sewing, modeling and more. 
Software Marvelous Designer of the software is very useful in this regard. With this software, you can create modern designs for dresses and render them with high precision, and design accurate patterns without using CAD patterns. So without the use of software such as CAD, you can design a variety of clothing and coatings to work more quickly on this.
One of the key features of this software is pattern synchronization and 3-D dragging for interactive design. This means that any changes in the pattern to fully and immediately on the three-dimensional Drapyng clothes I see it. Other key features of this software can be simply work with it and edit the patterns. You can sew a pattern with just a few clicks and see it on the tone of the model. This software supports a variety of physical properties of fabrics such as: tensile, shear, bend, stiffness, density, thickness, and so on. And control the parameters you Bbhtr models designed to simulate what a Mac is. It is also compatible with the famous 3D modeling software, including 3ds Max, Maya, and more.

Marvelous Designer Key Features:
- Supports full design patterns 
- Template editing synchronization and 3-door drag for interactive designing 
- Easy to use in sewing operations 
- Supports Tuck, Shirring, Pleat, Gather, Ironed line making 
- Fastest Dropping Speed 
- Support for all types of physical properties of fabrics 
- Prompt rendering of high quality 
- Support for 3D modeling software such as 3ds Max, Maya and ... 
- And ...
 Marvelous Designer 3 Screenshot 1
Support for full pattern design
You can design accurate patterns using only Marvelous Designer without the help of the other pattern CADs. Marvelous Designer supports polyline, free curve and dart drawing. 

Synchronization of pattern editing and 3D draping for Interactive Design
Any pattern modifications are fully and immediately reflected in the 3D drapes of real-time drapes. Experience the most intuitive and efficient clothing design interface in the world.
Easy-to-use sewing operations
With only a few mouse works you can sew any patterns in any style. See the animation below. 

Support for Tuck, Shirring, Pleat, Gather, Ironed line making.
Marvelous Designer supports multi-layer sewing. With this feature you can make more complex designs like Tuck and Gather. Another key feature is the folding operation. You can make folds on any seams and clothes. The folding function allows us to make pleats and ironed lines. 

The fastest draping speed
You can experience fast and complete draping results for any complicated clothes. The improvements in speed and quality have been achieved using a novel multi-level simulation that has been studied and developed in our team. Furthermore, parallelized algorithms bring more speed-ups with multi-core CPUs. 

For a variety of physical properties Support
The physical characteristics of cloth are Digitized and parametrized into a variety of properties - Stretching / Shearing / Bending Stiffness, Damping, Density, Thickness and so on. Controlling these parameters allows simulating different kinds of cloth materials. 

One-click pattern placement using "Arrangement Point"
Marvelous Designer provides an easy way to arrange patterns around an avatar for draping. That is the 'Arrangement Point' which indicates the key position to place patterns. Only thing you need is to select a pattern and click on the "Arrangement Point" you want to place it on. 

High-quality realtime rendering
Our realtime renderer provides high-quality images comparable to real clothing. Look forward to more advanced features like bump mapping, soft shadows and global illumination in future versions. 

With 3D modeling tools
Marvelous Designer can import any COLLADA and OBJ files from most 3D modeling tools such as 3DS Max, Maya, SoftImage, LightWave, Poser, Daz Studio, Vue and Modo. And avatar and cloth files can be exported in OBJ format.
More info (open / close)
Manufacturer: CLO Virtual Fashion Inc. 
Price: US $ 199 (for information only) File Size: 191 + 195 MB Release Date: 12:00 - 1392/10/6 | 2013.12.27 Source: PC Download / Rating:3.5 Star (s) 
Installation guide
Use the tips in the Read Me.txt file to install the software.
download links
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  1. Marvelous Designer 3 Enterprise V1.3.20.0 X32 / X64 - Clothing Design Software - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा >>>>> Download Now

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    Marvelous Designer 3 Enterprise V1.3.20.0 X32 / X64 - Clothing Design Software - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा >>>>> Download Full

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