Download Mentor Graphics Xedition Enterprise Flow X-ENTP VX.2.2 + Update 5 x86 / x64 + Product Documents + Mentor 3D Library + Design Capture Flow - The most powerful electrical circuit design software - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Download Mentor Graphics Xedition Enterprise Flow X-ENTP VX.2.2 + Update 5 x86 / x64 + Product Documents + Mentor 3D Library + Design Capture Flow - The most powerful electrical circuit design software

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Download Mentor Graphics Xedition Enterprise Flow X-ENTP VX.2.2 + Update 5 x86 / x64 + Product Documents + Mentor 3D Library + Design Capture Flow - The most powerful electrical circuit design software
(9/9/98) Changes:
- Update 5 was added!
Xpedition Enterprise without doubt the best known and most widely used software company Mentor Graphics is one of the most powerful software application design and simulation of electrical circuits and their PCB is. The application of Mac animals with special features to electronics engineers so they can in a short time accurate PCB design. This software allows engineers to design and simulate three-dimensional engineers in a variety of variations, helping them to accurately design and test their circuits.
Another feature of this program is the very complex circuit layout; it is able to lay out the most complex circuits and give the user the right routing. The software also has the ability to manage data, books , and WIP drawings. According to the company, the use of this software in the industry compared to other software can save up to 80% in time and increase 40% production efficiency.
In addition to the original software, two separate packages of this software are also included; the first package, called Xpedition Enterprise Flow Product Documents, contains all the documentation and design guides that are highly recommended on the software, this package features Increases software and enhances software design capabilities and allows for more sophisticated circuitry designs. 
The second package is the Mentor 3D Library, which adds this 3D software package to the software, and after installation, it can perform entirely 3D and real-time design and simulations, this package also has the ability to upgrade with It has other 3D software and is very useful in the industry for the component manufacturing process. 
Mentor 3D Library works under the PostgreSQL Server database and requires high technical knowledge to work with it.
Key features of the Xpedition Enterprise software:
- Two-dimensional and three-dimensional electrical circuits design - 
Advanced PCB simulation - PCB 
circuit layout 
- Very complex circuits routing 
- WIP data management and design 
- Save time in designing and testing electrical boards 
- Reducing Error in design and production phase 
- Increase production efficiency
Xpedition Enterprise Flow X-ENTP x86 / x64 + Product Documents + Mentor 3D Library + Design Capture Flow Screenshot 1 Xpedition Enterprise Flow X-ENTP x86 / x64 + Product Documents + Mentor 3D Library + Design Capture Flow Screenshot 2 Xpedition Enterprise Flow X-ENTP x86 / x64 + Product Documents + Mentor 3D Library + Design Capture Flow Screenshot 3 Xpedition Enterprise Flow X-ENTP x86 / x64 + Product Documents + Mentor 3D Library + Design Capture Flow Screenshot 4 Xpedition Enterprise Flow X-ENTP x86 / x64 + Product Documents + Mentor 3D Library + Design Capture Flow Screenshot 5

Manufacturer: Mentor Graphics 
Price: $ 15,000 (for information only) File size: 3246 + 5202 + 1116 + 2529 + 1792 + 597 MBRelease Date: 16:40 - 1396/9/8 | 11/22/2012 Source: PC Download / Rating:5 Star (s) 

Installation guide

The main software installation and activation guide:
1. First, download and compress the software to fit your system's architecture. 
2. Run the Setup.exe file with Administrator access. 
3. On the page that opens, select Install Products. 
4. Do not change the software installation path in the opened window and select Next. 
5. In the popup window, select the Typical option and click Next. 
6. In the popup window, select the modules you want and click Next. 
7. In the popup window, click Agree. 
8. In the window that opens, click Install and wait for the application to install. 
9. If opened during the installation of the NPI Valor Directory window, confirm the same default route.
10. At the end of the installation, the activation window opens, depending on your system settings, it may give two messages; one is that the activation settings have already been performed (when you have already installed an application from the Mentor Graphics product or software You use FLEXlm Licensing to enable activation.) And there are two options for you to choose the option I want to continue through the Licensing setup. 

Another possibility is that before such products have not been installed on your system and the program will ask you to activate the program, in this case continue the activation steps and follow the rest of the steps as below. 

11. On the next activation page, set the activation type to Node-locked (Mobile Compute) and License MGLS License.
12. At this point, you need to submit the license.dat file, do not block this page and continue the process. 
13. Enter the Keygen folder and open the run.bat file with Notepad. 
14. Consider the change in the installation path, just replace the following:
MentorKG.exe -patch C: \ MentorGraphics \ EEVX.2.2
15. Save the run.bat file and run Administrator. 
16. Keygen starts scanning the installed projects and modules, and after a while a Notepad page opens to you under the title LICENSE.TXT. 
17. In Drive C, create a folder called flexlm. 
18. Save the LICENSE.TXT file and save as licens.dat at C: \ flexlm. (Do not forget to put Save as type on All Files.) 
19. Go to step 12, on the open page, give the license file address, that is, it should be as follows: C: \ flexlm \ license.dat 
20. Continue the installation process and allow the program to be fully installed. 
21. If all the steps are right, there should be no problem, and now the program is fully functional and can be used without any restrictions.
22. Now you can install Documentation and Mentor 3D Library. 

Instructions for installing Xpedition Enterprise Flow Product Documents:
1. Run the Setup.exe file and click Install Products. 
2. Be sure to install the program as Typical and in the same way as the original software is installed. 
3. Continue the installation process. 

Installation Guide for Mentor 3D Library:The installation process is as high as with Database Maintenance, however, be sure to put the database on localhost and select a secure password for it to be fully installed. 

Activation Tips:
Activation of this software has many troubles and requires modest technical knowledge. 

- The generated license is based solely on the hardware NIC (network card) and is completely different for each system.

- Unfortunately Keygen is not compatible with all network cards. During the testing phase, the software was downloaded by PC, for example, in a system with the Realtek software network card, but did not answer the Intel Pro 100/1000 MT card. . 

- Despite the installation of this software on Windows Server groups, there is no possibility of activating on Windows servers. 

- This software only installs 64-bit version on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, but it's recommended to use only Windows 7 as much as possible.

- To find out if the program is activated, run one of the installed programs like xDX Designer VX.2.2 and open a default Template if there is no 'viewdraw' license feature available. The project will not be open, which means that the License program has an error and may not be compatible with your network card. 

- If you use other Mentor Graphics products or, in general, software that is activated by the FLEXlm Network or MGLS Licensing network, you will definitely have trouble; if you can remove other software before installing this software and Or, in the steps below, check that your license is properly addressed. 

Troubleshooting software activation:If, despite the steps above, you have not been able to activate or have any other software that is interfering with the installation system, check the activation of the program by following the steps below: 
1. Make sure that the license.dat file is only in C: \ flexlm path. 
2. The license.dat file should be exactly 606 KB and about 10880 lines. 
3. At the time of making the License by MentorKG.exe, at least 3 packages should be found. 
4. Run the original Setup.exe file and install Install Licensing Sotware and click Install. 
5. Select Yes to enter the License Management environment. 
6. Import a License File and give the license file address. 
7. On the last page, click No.
8. If you fail to succeed, continue to follow these steps to make sure the wrong version of the program is not running. 
9. In the main program Setup.exe window, in the Manage Licensing section, click License Utilities. 
10. In the window that opens, click Manual enviroment editor. 
11. In each of the 6 above paths, the following should ultimately be:
C: \ MentorGraphics \ License_Files \ license.txt 
C: \ ProgramData \ mgcSDD \ win32 \ license.dat
12. Anything other than the above should be removed. 
13. If you have done all the work correctly and the program is not activated, you can enable the program as a virtual server. To do this, proceed with the following steps: 
14. Open the license.dat file with the notepad program and open it at the beginning of the two. First line the letter # and then save. 
15. Enter Configure Licensing and click Import license file. 
16. Enter the new license file and let the program create a server and import the license into the program. 
17. If at the end of the message you saw the "Failed to start license server" file, the license file is not compatible with your network card. 

tip:If you have installed Mentor 3D Library and Product Documents, do not forget that you need to re-create the License file for these two software, for the following. 

Important note about using Mentor Graphics at the same time:If you are using multiple Mentor Graphics products simultaneously (such as Mentor 3D Library and Xpedition Enterprise, or PADS, and Xpedition Enterprise) and intend to activate all of them, note that you only have one license.dat file as You can give the license file to the program and if you do not give the correct path to Keygen when creating the License file, activation of other programs will be lost. To be able to license for all Mentor Graphics products, you must edit the run.bat file. And give the address of the main folder where all the applications are installed, assuming that all the software on the path P If they are installed, you must edit the run.bat file as follows:
MentorKG.exe -patch C: \ MentorGraphics
In this case, Keygen will license for all installed software and will provide you with a license.dat file that includes the activation of all company software and this file should be addressed according to the methods described in the software. 

Tips:- This software has been completely tested and tested by the download team, but due to the current limitations of Keygen, it can not be activated on all systems because the software activation system based on the MAC address and the card The network is hardware. This application may not work on your system. 

- Preferably use Windows 7 x64. 

- Although the Documentation is only 32-bit, it runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the program. 

- Mentor 3D Library is only 64-bit and is only installed on the 64-bit version of the software.

- Design Capture Flow is only 32-bit and is only installed on the 32-bit version of the software. 

- All files can be repaired by WinRAR software and compressed as much as possible.

download links
DownloadCrash ReportGuide
 The main application - 32 - 3246 MB 
 Download - Part One 
 Download - Part II 
 core software - 64 - 5202 MB 
 Download - Part One 
 Download - Part II 
 Download - Part III 
 Download - Updates Update 5 - 1116 MB 
of  Xpedition Enterprise Library 3D Mentor - 64-bit - 2529 MB 
 download - part one 
 download - part II 
 download - set  Xpedition Enterprise Product Flow Documents -32 - 1792 MB 
 Download - set  Xpedition Enterprise Capture Flow Design Flow - 32-bit - 597 MB 
  Other software company Mentor Graphics
File password

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