Download Moldex3D R13.0 x86 / x64 - plastic injection molding simulation software - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Saturday, 23 June 2018

Download Moldex3D R13.0 x86 / x64 - plastic injection molding simulation software

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Download Moldex3D R13.0 x86 / x64 - plastic injection molding simulation software
Moldex3D is one of the most advanced software for simulation in the foundry industry, which is specialized for plastic injection simulation (Plastic Injection Moulding) is designed. This program, by simulating user-designed templates, can compute many information such as thermal slider molding, residual stresses and die-life of the mold. Although this software can be used in some parts of casting metals such as die casting, but this software is exclusively for the production of plastic materials by plastic injection.
The software also has special applications in other casts. For example, in the powder metallurgy industry, this software is also used to simulate PIM processes, and is used in metal powder simulations such as MIM. The key features of the Moldex3D software are: - Simulation of complete plastic injection molds - Simulation of various injection molding techniques such as PIM, ICM, CM and MIM - Dual injection injection molding and injection molding - Microselle casting simulation 
- Performing automatic feeding calculations 
- Simulating thermal tilt and concentration in the form 
- Simulating thermal and residual stresses 
- Calculating the useful life of the mold
Moldex3D Screenshot 1 Moldex3D Screenshot 2 Moldex3D Screenshot 3

Manufacturer: CoreTech System Co., Ltd. 
Price: US $ 17,000 (for information only) File Size: 2048 + 2130 MB Release Date: 03:00 - 1394/3/11 | 2015/06/01 Source: PC Download / Rating: 5 Star (s) 
Installation guide
1.Download the software first and then unzip
2.Start the installation process by running the Setup.exe file
- Do not change the default path to install the program
- Do not import the license file while installing the program and install in Node Locked mode
- When installing, be sure to check the LM Server application or License Manager Server to install
Do not restart your system after installing the program ! 
3.Log in to the License folder and copy two MDX3DLicenseAdmin.exe and MDX3DLMService.exe files to C: \ Moldex3D \ Moldex3DLMSR
4.Restart your system
5.Run the Moldex3D-LicenseAdmin program and click Import Authorization Code
6.Give the license file with the mac extension.
7.The program can be used without any restrictions
- All files are compressed as far as possible and can be repaired with the WinRAR program in case of incomplete downloads
- It's best to interrupt your Internet connection or block Internet access when working with the program.
download links
DownloadCrash ReportGuide
Version 32 - 2048 MB 
 Download - Part One 
 Download - Part II 
 Download - Part III 
 Download - Part IV 
 Download - Part V 
Version 64 - 2130 MB 
 Download - Part One 
 Download - Part II 
 Download - Part III 
 Download - Part IV 
 Download - Section V
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