Download RiverWare v6.7.2 x86 / x64 - River System Modeling Software - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga{ ज्ञान गंगा }

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Saturday, 23 June 2018

Download RiverWare v6.7.2 x86 / x64 - River System Modeling Software

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Category: Software » Graphic » Two-dimensional design graphic » Engineering design ,educational » Geography education » Engineering, science practical » System

Download RiverWare v6.7.2 x86 / x64 - River System Modeling Software
RiverWare is a powerful software for modeling the river system, which is an ideal environment for decision making, forecasting, operational policy assessment, system optimization, water measurement, water ownership management and long-term planning for water resources. Has With this program of hydrological and hydrological modeling, river routes and channels, deviations, distribution channels, consumables, groundwater, uses, water quality including TDS, DO and temperature, electricity generation and energy, and water ownership and transactions water or Mac it is possible and there is also access to data-centric object-oriented program allows the study site conditions with the creation of a networkSimulated objects, linking them together, completing component information, and selecting physical processing algorithms for each object to complete a modeled model, as well as numerous methods and tools for river flow routing, calculation of evaporation, and calculation of production Hydroelectricity is provided.
The defined objects of this software include reservoirs including storage tank, blue tank, pumper storage tank, cross, branch, flow meter, inline plants, inline pumping, distribution channel, diversion, bilateral channel, consumers Water, groundwater elements, pipelines, hydroelectric power units and object information. Another feature of this software index is its simple and practical graphical interface 

Key features of RiverWare software include:
- River system modeling 
- Hydrological and hydrological modeling and river routes and channels 
- Water quality modeling including TDS, DO and temperature 
- Data-driven and object-oriented access to view the conditions of the site under study. 
- More than dozens of objects required for river modeling
- Calculation of electricity and energy production, water ownership and water deals 
- River flow routing, calculation of evaporation and calculation of hydroelectricity 
- Selection of physical processing algorithms for each object for modeling model completion 
- Simple interface 
- ...
RiverWare Screenshot 1 RiverWare Screenshot 2 RiverWare Screenshot 3 RiverWare Screenshot 4 RiverWare Screenshot 5

Manufacturer: CADSWES 
File Size: 148.01 + 154.88 MB Release Date: 14:25 - 1394/9/2 | 11.23.2013 Source: PC Download / Rating:2.5 Star (s)  
Installation guide
1. Install the software. 
2) Copy and replace the contents of the Cracked file folder at the software installation location and replace the previous file (s). 
3. Run the software. 
Software installation location: The installation location folder is usually located in the Windows drive and within the Program Files folder. You can also find the installation location in this way: 
- In Windows XP: After installation, right-click on the shortcut in the Start menu and click Properties, and then click Find Target. 
- In Windows 7: After installation, right-click on the shortcut in the Start menu and click on the Open file location option.
- In Windows 8: After installation, right-click on the Shortcut on the Start Screen and click on the Open file location option, in the window that opens, right-click on the shortcut of the software and click Open file location click. 
- On Windows 10: After installation, right-click Shortcut on the Start menu and click on the Open file location option, in the window that opens, right-click on the Shortcut software and click on the Open file location button. do.
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