Download Camnetics Suite 2017 Build 07142017 x86 / x64 - Portable Plugins for designing and modeling moving parts for Autodesk and Salderoкс - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Monday, 23 July 2018

Download Camnetics Suite 2017 Build 07142017 x86 / x64 - Portable Plugins for designing and modeling moving parts for Autodesk and Salderoкс

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دانلود Camnetics Suite 2017 Build 07142017 x86/x64 - مجموعه پلاگین های پرتابل طراحی و مدل سازی قطعات متحرک برای اتودسک و سالیدروکس
Camnetics company that produces software for modeling moving parts for engineers and designers is the newest version of the series Camnetics Suite has released. The suite is actually a plug-in for most CAD software, including SolidWorks, Solid Edge and AutoDesk Inventor, which provides advanced tools and features for designers to design their parts without specialist knowledge, And control the parts. It also has the ability to connect to Excel software. This suite includes three GearTrax, GearTeq and CamTrax plugins that can be used to design a variety of gears with their features with the GearTrax plugin, using GearTeq to design moving parts and assembles them, and finally with the CamTrax plugin. Designed for the power of all kinds of lead bars and cams.
This collection contains the following plugins:
CamTrax64 Autodesk Inventor v2017.21.0.257 
CamTrax64 SolidEdge ST4-ST9 v2017.109.0.257 
CamTrax64 SolidWorks v2017.25.0.257 

GearTeq Autodesk Inventor 2017 v21.0.506 
GearTeq SolidEdge ST4-ST9 2017 v109.0.508 
GearTeq SolidWorks 2017 v25 0 509 

GearTrax Autodesk Inventor v2017.21.0.261 
GearTrax SolidEdge ST4-ST9 v2017.109.0.261 
GearTrax SolidWorks v2017 25 0.261

features of the Camnetics Suite software :
Connect the parts together and use them in groups 
- Ability to lock the parts to prevent unwanted changes 
- View changes geometrically on the screen 
- Test the radius of the wheel bearings 
- And. ..
Camnetics Suite Screenshot 1 Camnetics Suite Screenshot 2
Camnetics Inc., a provider of tools for engineers and designers for creating solid models of drive components, has released a new version of Camnetics Suite , its add-on for SolidWorks, Solid Edge and AutoDesk Inventor, providing advanced tools and advanced features for designers. 
Camnetics, Inc. offers two products that run with Solid Edge. GearTrax creates solid models of gears inside Solid Edge. Gear types include spur, helical, bevel, internal and external involute splines, chain sprockets and time belt pulleys.
Here are some key features of Camnetics Suite:
- Face gears, axis coincident and at 90 degrees    
- New worm wheel tooth generation that is more accurate and faster than previous "advanced method"    
- Integration with Solid Edge    
- Test radius inspection for spur gears    
- XYZ surface text file creation for those who use other CAD systems    
- Uses for assembly points so components can be used in mulitple locations and assemblies    
- Lock components using an integer password to prevent unwanted changes    
- Spiral tooth generating diameter can be specified for the Gleason standard 
- And much more!
More info (open / close)
Manufacturer: Camnetics Inc. 
File Size: 133.9 MB Release Date: 12:15 - 1396/4/24 | 2017.07.15 Source: PC Download / Rating:2.5 Star (s) 
Installation guide
Use the tips in the Read Me.txt file to install the software.
download links
DownloadCrash ReportGuide
File password 

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