Download Keysight IC-CAP v2016.01 x64 - RF and DC semiconductor modeling software - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Download Keysight IC-CAP v2016.01 x64 - RF and DC semiconductor modeling software

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Category: Software » Educational » Engineering, Science & Knowledge

Download Keysight IC-CAP v2016.01 x64 - RF and DC semiconductor modeling software
IC-CAP is one of Keysight's products specially designed and engineered to model, design, and simulate a variety of RF and DC semiconductors. As with other software from the company, this software is also known as a global standard for the design of RF and DC systems. This software is capable of extracting very accurately the micro-models used in RF devices and high-speed analog and digital devices. Today, the most advanced semiconductor and IDM companies in the world use this software to model silicon, dipole CMOS, gallium arsenide (GaAs) and gallium nitride (GaN) composites and many other devices. This software is the most advanced and personalized modeling software that has all the tools for analysis, measurement, simulation, optimization and statistical analysis inside it.
Key features of the IC-CAP software:
- Open software architecture for maximum precision and ultimate flexibility in designing 
- Advanced CMOS design, such as BSIM3 / BSIM4, PSP and HiSIM 
- Constant and close communication with other commercially available commercial simulators
IC-CAP Screenshot 1 IC-CAP Screenshot 2 IC-CAP Screenshot 3 IC-CAP Screenshot 4 IC-CAP Screenshot 5

required system

Manufacturer: Keysight 
Price: $ 10,000 (for information only) File size: 777 MB Release Date: 19:25 - 1395/2/8 | 2016.04.27 Source: PC Download / Rating: 4.5 Star(s)

Installation guide

1. Download the software first and then unzip. 
2. Run the Setup.exe file to install the software preferably in the C: \ Program Files \ Keysight path. 
3. At the bottom of the installation, close the License Setup Wizard. 
4. Copy and replace all the contents of the Crack folder on the path to installing the software, which is the default C: \ Program Files \ Keysight. 
5. Enter the C: \ Program Files \ Keysight \ EEsof_License_Tools \ bin \ win32 path and run the server_install.bat file as Run as Administrator. 
6. Run the application. 
7. In the License Setup Wizard window, select I want to specify a network license server, and in the Network License server name field, enter 23111 @ localhost. (First, the number 23111 then the @ and the end of the localhost statement)
8. Run the SolidSQUADLoaderEnabler.reg file located in the Crack folder and allow the necessary changes to be made in the registry. 
9. The software is fully functional and can be used without any restrictions. 
- All files are compressed as much as possible and can be repaired by WinRAR. 
- This software is only installed on 64-bit systems. 
- This software has been fully tested and run by the PSP team.
download links
DownloadCrash ReportGuide
File password


  1. Setup files is not there in the unzipped folder

  2. Keysight Ic-Cap V2016.01 X64 - Rf And Dc Semiconductor Modeling Software - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा >>>>> Download Now

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    Keysight Ic-Cap V2016.01 X64 - Rf And Dc Semiconductor Modeling Software - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा >>>>> Download LINK

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    Keysight Ic-Cap V2016.01 X64 - Rf And Dc Semiconductor Modeling Software - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा >>>>> Download Full

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