Download MSC Adams 2014 x86 / x64 - Dynamic Analysis and Motion Analysis Software - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Download MSC Adams 2014 x86 / x64 - Dynamic Analysis and Motion Analysis Software

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Download MSC Adams 2014 x86 / x64 - Dynamic Analysis and Motion Analysis Software
The traditional design and fabrication of design and testing, in addition to cost-effective, are very time consuming and even in some cases inoperative. Contrary to other available Cad software, Adams incorporates real physics and simultaneously solving kinematic, quasi-static, and dynamic statistics.
The Adams software is widely used to dynamically view and display 3D objects and analyze them globally. Adams, with its very diverse and high profile, helps engineers create, test, test, and optimize mechanical systems designs before reaching the physical design. Using the various sections considered in this software can be determined by simulating the mechanical system, kinematic testing of the system, measuring the forces imposed on the connections, etc., determine the life of the piece in the working cycle and location The parts were done very accurately.
Optional modules that Adams is available to allow users to use the components of Mac mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, electronic and control technology systems for building and testing prototypes early penalty to accurate calculation for interaction between the Subsystems. 

features of Adams software :
- Dynamic multi-level view and 3D objects display and analysis. 
- Creating and testing virtual examples of mechanical systems. 
- Spending less time and testing time. 
- Including physics. True, Solving kinematic equations, quasi-static and dynamical statistics simultaneously 
- Motion simulation of the mechanical system, kinematic system test, measurement of the forces applied to the connections 

Adams is the most widely used multibody dynamics and motion analysis software in the world. Adams helps engineers to study the dynamics of moving parts, how loads and forces are distributed across mechanical systems, and to improve and optimize their products performance.
Traditional "build and test" design methods are expensive, time consuming, and sometimes impossible to do. CAD-based tools help to measure things like interference between parts, and basic kinematic motion, but neglect the true physics-based dynamics of complex mechanical systems. FEA is suited for studying linear vibration and transient dynamics, but inefficient in analyzing large rotations and other highly nonlinear motion of full mechanical systems. 
Adams multibody dynamics software enables engineers to easily create and test virtual prototypes of mechanical systems in a fraction of the time and cost required for physical build and testing. Unlike most CAD embedded tools, Adams incorporates real physics by simultaneously solving equations for kinematics, statics, quasi-statics, and dynamics.
Using the multibody dynamics solution technology, Adams runs a nonlinear dynamics in a fraction of the time required by FEA solutions. Adams simulations improve the accuracy of the FEA by providing a better assessment of how they vary throughout the full range of motion and operating environments. 
Optional modules available with Adams allow users to integrate mechanical components, pneumatics, hydraulics, electronics, and control systems technologies to build and test virtual prototypes that accurately account for the interactions between these subsystems.
More info (open / close)
Manufacturer: MSC Software 
File Size: 690 + 701 MB Release Date: 10:46 - 1393/8/7 | 2014.10.29 Source: PC Download / Rating:3 Star (s) 
Installation guide
Use the tips in the Read Me.txt file to install the software.
download links
DownloadCrash ReportGuide
 32-bit version - 690 MB 
 Download - Part One 
 Download - Part 2 
 64-bit version - 701 MB 
 Download - Part One 
 Download - Part Two
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