Download Virtual Journalism Magazine Magazine No. 3 - Weblog Educational Monthly Journal - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga{ ज्ञान गंगा }

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Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Download Virtual Journalism Magazine Magazine No. 3 - Weblog Educational Monthly Journal

 Hits: 4,935
·         Category: Book » Computer » Web
 Download Virtual Journalism Magazine Magazine No. 3 - Weblog Educational Monthly Journal
The topics of the monthly magazine, the education of the virtual school of Iranians # 3:
- Friendly chat 
- The introduction of the virtual school of Iranians 
- The announcement of the results of the first web design contest 
- Most popular recent content 
- Learning to create the front-to-back experience with CSS3 
- No knowledge of coding for its own web- Create 
- Convert Html to WordPress Skins 
- Convert 
Photos to Patterns 
- Icons are always available in Photoshop.
Video Training by Design Graphic login screen 
- start exactly what it means? 
- DotNetNuke 
- Enjoy content management - Test your site in all browsers and versions 
- Build custom 
and custom grids - Create what you expect from CSS3 
- 2 online tools - Test your presentation 
- Site templates - Online tools Create a custom tooltip 
- online conversion tool px to em 
- online conversion tool hex to rgb and rgba 
- discovery, advanced insights for your website 
- more than 2500 flashing icons in your hands 
- 5 top technology in the Brazilian World Cup 2014 
- Google Play became available to Iranians! 
- Blind subscribers from undesirable rhythm
What are the signs of infecting your system with a virus? 
- delicious 
- and ... 
Publisher: Virtual Persian School 
Book Format: PDF 
Number of Pages: 50 
Release Date Publisher: 1393.03 
Language: Persian 
File Size: 10.6 MB 
Release Date: 10:18 - 1393/3/26 | 2014.06.16 
Source: PC Download / 
Rating:2.5 Star (s)  
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