PROKON 4.0 Build 2021-03-14 - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga{ ज्ञान गंगा }

Knowledge about CAD CAM CAE Software & CNC Machines

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Saturday, 26 February 2022

PROKON 4.0 Build 2021-03-14



PROKON is one of the structural analysis and design software that supports the design and details of more than 40 different designs. The first PROKON program was released in 1989 and is now used in more than 80 countries. This software is suitable for design work and details, but its main strength is due to the close integration of analysis and design software. Over the past two decades PROKON has been constantly improving the status and design conditions of engineers. PROKON was built by a group of engineers and its main target is building design engineers and technicians. This software provides fast and reliable answers to everyday building design issues.

PROKON offers a separate module for each section, all of which work in one piece. Modules can be used alone or together. This set provides a powerful workflow from structural analysis to detail. For example, you can use the Concrete Base Design module and at the same time use the Frame Analysis module to enter the forces automatically. Alternatively, you can manually create the cement works in Padds or use the Concrete Base Design module to draw the map and its bending table by the software.

Features and specifications of Prokon software:

- Frame and finite element analysis

- Design of steel components

- Design of steel fittings

- Pre-loaded cement design

- CAD design and cement loading

- Building design

- Other construction applications such as section properties and section database


required system

:Operating Systems

Windows Vista

Windows 7

Windows 8-8.1

Windows 10

:Recommended Hardware

1GB or 2GB RAM

1,024×768 SVGA display


PROKON screenshot1

PROKON screenshot2

PROKON screenshot3

Installation guide

Listed in the Readme file in the Crack folder.

Version 4 was installed on Windows 10, a 64-bit version on April 6, 1400, and has been successfully activated, as shown in the pictures.

download link

Download PROKON 4.0 Build 2021-03-14

Download PROKON 3.0 DC 2018-06-26

Download PROKON_3.0 Service Pack DC 2018-08-02

File password (s):


637 MB

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