DS CADAM Drafting V5-6R2018 SP3 x86 - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga{ ज्ञान गंगा }

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Saturday, 19 March 2022

DS CADAM Drafting V5-6R2018 SP3 x86



CADAM Drafting is a suitable software for designing, modeling, analyzing and evaluating weighted concrete dams. This program analyzes and evaluates all types of hydrostatic loads and vibrations with different frequencies with a very accurate ratio. In this program, different modes of the dam can be modeled in different ways. Including dam modeling in different conditions to investigate different effects such as dam design geometry, reaction pressures and…. Using CADAM Drafting, it is easy to check the strength of materials used in dam construction.

The advantage of using this software is the possibility of comparing different modeling methods. For example, by applying changes to the parameters of a model and then comparing the evaluation result with other modeling methods, the optimal modes can be selected for the intended purpose. This software is a continuation of CADCAM software, which has about 30 years of experience in various industries. This product now has various applications in the automotive, aerospace, medical and other industries, but as mentioned at the beginning of this description, this program has a special application in the analysis and evaluation of concrete dams, and engineers in this field will benefit the most from this program.

The solutions offered by Dassault have been used by 130,000 customers from 80 countries and are still growing. Using its work experience and specialized team, this company has been working on various 3D products since early 1981, and with the methods provided, the life cycle of a product from the initial stages of conceptual design and idea formation to design, maintenance and It has completely transformed recycling processes.

required system

CADAM Drafting Compatibility:

Disk drive: An internal or external disk drive (minimum recommended size is 4 GB) is required to store program executables, program data, the user environment, and to provide paging space. Installation of all CATIA V5 products requires 2.0 GB on Windows, 2.4 GB on AIX, and 2.7 GB on HP-UX.

Memory: 256 MB of RAM is the minimum recommended for all applications. 512 MB of RAM is recommended.

Internal/external drives: A CD-ROM drive is required for program installation and for access to the online documentation, which can optionally be downloaded to disk.

Display: A graphics color display compatible with the selected platform-specific graphics adapter. The minimum recommended size for usability reasons is 17 inches. Minimum resolution for Windows workstations is 1024 x 768.

Keyboard: A specific keyboard compatible with the selected installation locale may be required for national language support.

Pointing device: Three-button mouse. On Windows workstations, a two-button mouse may alternatively be used (the third button is emulated with a keyboard sequence). The three-button mouse is recommended for usability reasons. IntelliMouse (two buttons plus a wheel instead of the third button) is an alternative to the three-button mouse on Windows workstations. The wheel acts as the middle button to allow additional manipulations, such as panning and scrolling


CADAM Drafting

Installation guide 



See the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder.

download link

Download DS CADAM Drafting_V5-6R2018 SP3 Win32

Download DS CADAM Drafting_V5-6R2017 SP3 Win32

File password (s): www.downloadly.ir


157 MB

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