MSC Actran 2020 - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

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Friday, 4 March 2022

MSC Actran 2020



Actran is a powerful software for simulating acoustic related issues. Using this program, you can design the acoustic status of your products optimally and with the highest level of efficiency. Actran is a comprehensive solution to all acoustic and vibration problems. This program is used in various industries such as automotive, aerospace and defense industries, as well as in the consumer goods industry. Actran helps engineers examine the design of their products in terms of acoustic performance and make the desired changes to achieve the best and most optimal design possible.

The program has a rich library of different models of high performance materials with which you can solve a wide range of different problems. The user interface of this program is user-friendly and simple, and it is possible to customize it. Actran with its modular nature can be presented and deployed based on your needs and applications. This means that the program is offered from different modules that are provided based on the needs of users. Some of the features of this program may not be required by a group of users, so something is offered to the customer that is completely needed.

Some of the uses of Actran:

If we want to talk about the applications of this program, we can give several examples, for example, this program can be used to investigate the vibrations of electric motors, fuel motors and its various parts, speakers, etc., or the noise generated by Exhaust, muffler condition and their optimization, air conditioners, sound absorption of parts in the cabin of cars, trains, airplanes, audio devices such as telephones and musical instruments and…. This program is the answer to all the needs of engineers in the field of acoustics and sound.

required system

Hardware and software requirements, MSC products here .




Installation guide

General method of MSC products:

Run the license.dat file in the Crack folder with Notepad and enter your computer name instead of DownLoadLy.iR, and your MAC Address instead of 00000000000000 and save the file. Now drag the license.dat file with the mouse click and drop it on the Keygen.exe file to edit the license file (no new file will be generated). Run the msc_licensing_11.9_windows3264.exe file, start installing the license management tool, and select New Installation mode. In the license application step, enter the generated license.dat file and complete the installation. Now install the software and at the end of the installation, enter the following phrase assuming DownLoadLy.iR is your computer name and complete the installation:


Actran's second and exclusive method:

Once installed, copy the license.actran.dat file in the Crack folder to C: \ FFT \ Actran_15.1 and rename it to license.dat; Run the Windows Environment variables settings section (by searching for the phrase Environment variables in the Start menu). In the user variable section, click New and enter the phrase ACTRAN_LICENSE for the name and the path C: \ FFT \ Actran_15.1 \ license.dat for the value; Run the program now.

This version has been installed and successfully activated using the second method on April 25, 1995 in 64-bit Windows 10.

download link

Download MSC_Actran_2020

Download MSC Actran 15.1

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775 MB

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