Altair HW FEKO 2022.0 x64 - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा


Gyan Ganga{ ज्ञान गंगा }

Knowledge about CAD CAM CAE Software & CNC Machines


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Thursday, 14 April 2022


Altair HW FEKO 2022.0 x64



FEKO Suite is software for analyzing a wide range of electromagnetic disturbances and problems. Its applications include EMC analysis, the study of the effect of cables on each other, the study of electromagnetic compatibility, antenna design, microstrip antennas, circuits, scattering analysis and so on. FEKO Suite is very comprehensive and practical and has a wide range of possibilities for analyzing dielectric plates. Numerical methods used in this software are the method of torques and finite difference in the field of time.

The torque method uses finite element techniques, physical optics, radiation scattering in geometric optics, and uniform diffraction theory. The software also uses optimization tools with genetic algorithms, birds, linear and feedback. The graphical software environment uses the most complete design tools and size control in two or three dimensions with the mouse. Maxwell Solver is also controlled by a graphical interface. The software light sources consist of electrical and magnetic dipoles, flat wave, current or voltage source, linear currents and adjustable spherical modes. It has a wide range of capabilities for analyzing dielectric plates for complex electromagnetic calculations and simulations, enabling the user to solve a wide range of electromagnetic problems using FDTD, FEM, and MLFMM computational methods.

Features and characteristics of FEKO Suite software:

- Determining the position of antennas in large structures such as ships and aircraft and analyzing their radiation patterns
- High frequency components such as waveguides, couplers and filters
- Simulation of antennas such as arrays, microstrips, broadband antennas
- Range analysis A wide range of electromagnetic disturbances and problems
- Application of finite element techniques, physical optics, radiation scattering in geometric optics and uniform diffraction theory
- Bioelectromagnetism including analysis of homogeneous / heterogeneous organs and star extraction
- Investigation of the effect of cables on each other
- Compatibility study Electromagnetic, Antenna design, Antennas, Circuits, Distribution analysis
- Three-dimensional electromagnetic circuits consisting of filters, surge arresters
- Dielectric plate analysis

required system

Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10



Installation guide

Newer versions: Listed in the Readme file in the Crack folder.

Version 7: First install the feko software. When installing the program, floating license and dongle drivers should not be checked. Click on the program after installation. You will encounter a license error at this time. You have to copy the phrase facing mach_code_01 of type 12 and close the program, then run the .exe file in the crack folder and paste the copied value in it. You will see that a file will be created for you. C \: Copy Program FilesFEKO7.0license Now you can run the program.

download link

Altair HW Feko 2022.0 x64

Download Part 1 - 1 GB

Download Part 2 - 1 GB

Download Section 3 - 320 MB

Altair HW Feko 2021.2.0 x64

Download Part 1 - 1 GB

Download Part 2 - 1 GB

Download Section 3 - 733 MB

Altair HW FEKO + WinProp 2020.0 x64

Download Part 1 - 1 GB

Download Part 2 - 742 MB

Download FEKO Suite 7.0 x86

File password (s):


2.32 GB

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