Autodesk Inventor Nastran 2023 x64 - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga{ ज्ञान गंगा }

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Thursday, 14 April 2022

Autodesk Inventor Nastran 2023 x64



Autodesk Nastran Software is another member of the Autodesk Simulation software family that plays the role of FEA (Finite Element Analysis) finisher. Linear and nonlinear stress analysis, dynamics and heat transfer of structures and mechanical components are other tasks of this software.

Autodesk Nastran In-CAD is a version of Autodesk Nastran software that allows the software to be used directly in computer-aided design or CAD applications, and adds FEA simulation and analysis capabilities to software such as SolidWorks and Inventor.

The term NASTRAN actually refers to the history of a multifunctional software solution developed by NASA with the acronym NAS A STR ucture AN alysis. The software was later introduced by NEi software company NEi Nastran and was eventually purchased and developed by Autodesk in 2014. MSC is also producing another popular program of the same name , the history and roots of which go back to the same NASA software!

Features and specifications of Autodesk Nastran software:

- Suitable and flexible software environment

- Has an editing tool for proper control of FEA models and analysis results

- Advanced analysis and display of stress, strain, deformation and…

Ability to measure temperature distribution and heat flow

- Accurate and realistic simulation of model assembly

- Determining the durability of the structure and the amount of static fatigue

- Ability to simulate composite and hyperelastic materials

- Full integration with design and mechanical software and software under the FEA platform


Autodesk Nastran Collection Tips:

- Since the 2015 version, almost all Simulation suite software is available in 64-bit version only.

- Autodesk software is often published in two main files from the Autodesk site - known as sfx - and also in the form of ISO. The ISO version is no different from the original version, with only the files extracted and embedded in the image with the activator. Due to the higher volume of the ISO version as well as some installation problems, the sfx version is included.

- Autodesk software suite activator is usually released as a public crack by the XFORCE group, and so is this version.

required system

Minimum Workstation Budget Workstation High-End Workstation
Computer, CPU Intel Pentium or AMD based Intel Core i5 / i7 - Dual or Quad Core at high clock speed Dual Intel Xeon Quad-core CPUs at high clock speed (3.5 + GHz). or single Xeon 8-core CPU at high clock speed (2.8 + GHz)
Memory, RAM 2GB 8GB 32GB +
Graphics Card 256MB workstation video card 1GB dedicated video card 2 + GB NVIDIA Quadro K4000 or similar
Hard Disk 40GB free space 1TB SATA 7200RPM and 256GB SSD for temp files 2TB 7200 SATA for file storage and 512GB SSD for temp files
Note: High write speed is critical (at least 400MB / sec is good)
Network Card Required for network installation with FlexLM licensing Required for network installation with FlexLM licensing Required for network installation with FlexLM licensing
Operating System Windows 7 SP1 64-bit Windows 7 SP1 Professional 64-bit, Windows 8 Professional 64-bit Windows 7 SP1 Professional 64-bit, Windows 8 Professional 64-bit, Windows 8.1 Professional 64-bit,

Minimum Laptop Budget Laptop High-End Laptop
Computer, CPU Intel Pentium or AMD based Intel Core i5 - Dual or Quad Core at high clock speed Intel Core i7 - Dual or Quad Core at high clock speed
Memory, RAM 2GB 4GB 16GB +
Graphics Card 256MB workstation video card 1GB dedicated video card + 2GB NVIDIA or equivalent ATI
Hard Disk 40GB free space 1TB SATA 7200RPM 512GB or 1TB SSD
Note: High write speed is critical (at least 400MB / sec is good)
Network Card Required for network installation with FlexLM licensing Required for network installation with FlexLM licensing Required for network installation with FlexLM licensing
Operating System Windows 7 SP1 64-bit Windows 7 SP1 Professional 64-bit, Windows 8 Professional 64-bit Windows 7 SP1 Professional 64-bit, Windows 8 Professional 64-bit, Windows 8.1 Professional 64-bit


Nastran In-CAD

Installation guide

Version 2021:

Open the iso file using the virtual drive creation software and proceed to install the program. The crack and how to install it are listed in the Crack folder in the iso file.

2019 and 2020 versions:

Listed in the Readme file in the Crack folder.

Version 2018:

First run the sfx executable file to extract the installation files to the folder. Click Install after starting the installation; The default option, Stand-Anlone, should be selected on the License and Serial type page and in the License Type field. Use the following serials for the Product Information section:





Also in the Product Key, enter 986H1 Serial for Autodesk Nastran software and 987H1 Serial for Autodesk Nastran In-CAD, then continue and complete the installation. Disconnect from the Internet and run the program. After the Autodesk Licensing window appears, click Activate and in the next step, select Request an activation code using an offline method and continue and run the program again. Run the Keygen file in the Crack folder with Run as administrator and click Patch. Then enter the serial given in the Request Code field in the appropriate place in Keygen and click Generate. In the license window, select the I have an activation code from Autodesk option and paste the code given in the Activation section by clicking on section 1 and click OK. If you receive an error message, click Patch again.

download link

Download from Autodesk

File password (s):


777 MB

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