MSC SimXpert 2020 x64 - Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga ज्ञान गंगा

Gyan Ganga{ ज्ञान गंगा }

Knowledge about CAD CAM CAE Software & CNC Machines

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Sunday, 3 April 2022

MSC SimXpert 2020 x64



SimXpert is MSC Software's comprehensive and integrated software solution for simulation. Using this software platform, you can have all the tools needed for simulation. SimXpert is an integrated CAE (computer aided engineering) environment for product simulation that will accelerate and increase product simulation accuracy, increase production efficiency, and ultimately deliver better products to the market faster. SimXpert does this by using the best simulation methodology, which integrates multivariate analysis as well as enhances the degree of customization in an engineering environment. Using this software as an integrated engineering environment will reduce the number of tools needed for analysis and design in the engineering workflow and will exchange better information between different departments. SimXpert will guide you through all the steps required from pre-processing, modeling, problem solving, post-processing to managing and reporting results.

Ultimately, SimXpert allows manufacturers to test their product in a real-world environment without costly physical simulation, ensuring the quality of their product. The difference between this product and competitors is that SimXpert is a multidisciplinary simulator, which means that to simulate a product, we do not need to switch between different branches of engineering and use its own tools for each part, but all the tools needed in the field of simulation. Has presented the product in one place and in an integrated environment.

Features and specifications of SimXpert software:

  • Support for various work environments such as: structural, kinetic, thermal, deformation and metamorphosis environments and…
  • Create complex virtual blueprints
  • Ability to evaluate large volumes of results
  • Create organizational reports
  • Ability to create different templates based on the best CAE solutions
  • Accept IGES, Parasolid, CATIA V4, CATIA V5, Pro / ENGINEER, ACIS, STEP and STL data files for FE modeling
  • And …

required system

System Requirements
SimXpert is supported on Intel and AMD x86
and x86-64 based systems running Microsoft
Windows XP (Professional), Microsoft
Windows Vista (Ultimate and Enterprise),
Windows 7 (Ultimate and Enterprise) and Red
Hat Enterprise Linux (4 and 5)




Installation guide

Available in the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder in the ISO file.

download link

Download Part 1 - 1 GB

Download Part 2 - 1 GB

Download Section 3 - 1 GB

Download section 4 - 18 MB

File password (s):


2 GB

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